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Our Mission

At EMU-FLEPS, we continuously strive to achieve our VISION by actively breathing life into our motto ‘ENGAGE, LEARN, REFLECT, COMMUNICATE, and GROW’. To fulfil its mission, FLEPS:

·       Prioritises the ‘use’ of language over ‘knowledge of’ forms, structures and lexico-grammatical features.

·       Draws on student-centred, evidence-based and innovative approaches to language learning and teaching.

·       Undertakes to provide students with opportunities to identify their weaknesses and strengths, self-assess and evaluate their own work, and develop meaningful learning goals and study systems.

·       Makes meaningful use of EdTech tools in line with the principle of ‘Learning FIRST, Technology SECOND’.

·       Pays as much attention to professional teacher learning as we do to quality-driven student learning and success.

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