What is ILTA?
International Language Testing Association (ILTA). ILTA is an international group of language testing and assessment scholars and practitioners whose dedication and work are respected both within and outside the profession, and who together define what it means to be a language tester.
ILTA's purpose is to promote the improvement of language testing throughout the world.
The goals of ILTA include the following:
1. Stimulate professional growth through workshops and conferences
2. Promote the publication and dissemination of information related to the field of language testing
3. Develop and provide for leadership in the field of language testing
4. Provide professional services to its members
5. Increase public understanding and support of language testing as a profession
6. Build professional pride among its membership
7. Recognize outstanding achievement among its membership
8. Cooperate with other groups interested in language testing
9. Cooperate with other groups interested in applied linguistics or measurement
FELPS as Institutional Member of ILTA:
ILTA Membership Benefits and Dues

ILTA offers a variety of membership categories to serve the needs of all scholars, educators, vendors and organizations committed to the professional development of language testing and assessment worldwide.
Please choose the membership option that best fits your position by clicking on the membership type and follow the links at the end of each description. All Regular, Access Regular, Student, and Retired annual memberships receive the following benefits of membership:
- Discounted registration for ILTA's Annual Conference - The Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC)
- Free Access to LTRC Recordings for members
- Discounted subscriptions on key journals, including Language Testing, Language Assessment Quarterly, Assessing Writing
- Invitation to Participate in "ILTA Members" online discussion community
- Free webinars for ILTA Members
- Access to the newsletter archive, including Language Testing Updates
- Access to the ILTA Career Center, including job posting and job opportunities
- Voting privileges
- Access to ILTA's Bibliography in Language Assessment
- Eligibility to apply for one of the ILTA Workshop awards
- Free membership opportunities in SIGs and GSA
- The opportunity to share ideas and expertise, and help develop good testing practice by networking and communicating with peers.