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Students who are enrolled in English-medium programs at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) but do not have a valid English proficiency certificate are required to take the English Proficiency Exam at English Preparatory School (EPS) and meet the requirements of their departments.

The exemption criteria and the equivalent EPS success requirements stipulated by Foreign Languages and English Preparatory School (FLEPS) for students who have a valid language (English) proficiency certificate are as follows:

For Departments requiring minimum 50% on the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage II

For Departments requiring minimum 60% on the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage II

(English Language Teaching (ELT), Dentistry)

For Departments requiring minimum 70% on the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage II

(English Translation and Interpretation, Medicine)

IELTS (minimum 5.0)

IELTS (minimum 5.5)

(5.0: Proficiency Stage II

IELTS (minimum 6.0)

(5.5: Proficiency Stage II)

TOEFL iBT (minimum 60)

TOEFL iBT (minimum 65)

(60: Proficiency Stage II

TOEFL iBT (minimum 72)

(65: Proficiency Stage II)

TOEFL PBT (minimum 497)

TOEFL PBT (minimum 513)

(497: Proficiency Stage II

TOEFL PBT (minimum 530)

(513: Proficiency Stage II)

TOEFL CBT (minimum 170)

TOEFL CBT (minimum 183)

(170: Proficiency Stage II

TOEFL CBT (minimum 197)

(183: Proficiency Stage II)

TOEFL iTEP Academic (minimum 3.5)

TOEFL iTEP Academic (minimum 3.6)

(3.5: Proficiency Stage II

TOEFL iTEP Academic (minimum 3.7)

(3.6: Proficiency Stage II)

PTE Academic (minimum 40)

PTE Academic (minimum 46)

(40: Proficiency Stage II

PTE Academic (minimum 54)

(46: Proficiency Stage II)

ÜDS / YDS / KPDS / YÖKDİL (minimum 50)

ÜDS / YDS / KPDS / YÖKDİL (minimum 54)

(50: Proficiency Stage II

ÜDS / YDS / KPDS / YÖKDİL (minimum 60)

(54: Proficiency Stage II)

City & Guilds (minimum B1 Pass)

City & Guilds (minimum B1 First Class Pass)

(B1 Pass: Proficiency Stage II

City & Guilds (minimum B2 Pass)

(B1 First Class Pass: Proficiency Stage II)

GCE/IGCE (minimum C / 4)GCE/IGCE (minimum C / 5)

GCE/IGCE (minimum B / 6)

(C: Proficiency Stage II)

FCE (minimum C)FCE (minimum C)

FCE (minimum B)

(C: Proficiency Stage II)

CPE/CAE (minimum C)CPE/CAE (minimum C)

CPE/CAE (minimum B)

(C: Proficiency Stage II)

LCCI (ESP) (minimum Level 1 Distinction)

LCCI (ESP) (minimum Level 2 Pass)

(Level 1 Distinction: Proficiency Stage II

LCCI (ESP) (minimum Level 2 Distinction)

(Level 2 Pass: Proficiency Stage II)





(D7: Proficiency Stage II



(C6: Proficiency Stage II)

UCE (minimum 5-6)

UCE (minimum 3-4)

(5-6: Proficiency Stage II

UCE (minimum 1-2)

(3-4: Proficiency Stage II)

NSC (ieb) (minimum 50% or 4)

NSC (ieb) (minimum 60% or 5)

(50% or 4: Proficiency Stage II

NSC (ieb) (minimum 70% or 6)

(60% or 5: Proficiency Stage II)

ECZ (minimum 6)

ECZ (minimum 5)

(6: Proficiency Stage II

ECZ (minimum 5)
HIGCSE/NSSC (minimum 3)

HIGCSE/NSSC  (minimum 2)

(3: Proficiency Stage II

HIGCSE/NSSC  (minimum 2)
KNEC (minimum C)

KNEC  (minimum C+)

(C: Proficiency Stage II

KNEC  (minimum B-)

(C+: Proficiency Stage II)

NECTA (CSEE) (minimum C)

NECTA (CSEE) (minimum B)

(C: Proficiency Stage II

NECTA (CSEE) (minimum B+)

(B: Proficiency Stage II)

NEAEA (minimum C)

NEAEA (minimum B)

(C: Proficiency Stage II

NEAEA (minimum B)
SAT (Reading and Writing minimum 420)

SAT (Reading and Writing minimum 430)

(Reading and Writing 420: Proficiency Stage II

SAT (Reading and Writing minimum 440)

(Reading and Writing 430: Proficiency Stage II)



1.  For the departments which have the courses ENGL181-182 in their program, students who have successfully completed the English Preparatory Program at another university and students who are exempted from English Preparatory Program (the validity of the document is evaluated by the FLEPS Administration) in a different university are offered two choices:

  1. Take ENGL181-182 courses, or
  2. Take the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage II. If the student receives a score of minimum 60%, s/he is enrolled on ENGL191-192 courses. If not, the student will have to take ENGL181-182 courses.

2.  Students who have no valid documents regarding their language level are required to take the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage I. According to the Stage I Exam results, those students whose English level is high enough are eligible to sit the EMU FLEPS English Proficiency Exam Stage II. These students are required to get the minimum requirement of their departments to be exempted from EPS.

3.  The minimum requirement is 50% for most faculties and departments, 60% for 1 faculty and 1 department and 70% for 1 faculty and 1 department. The faculties and departments with minimum 60% and 70% success conditions are as follows:

Faculty / Department CodeFaculty / DepartmentCondition for Success
A1English Language TeachingMinimum 60%
L3 / L4Faculty of DentistryMinimum 60%
4RTranslation and InterpretationMinimum 70%
91Faculty of Medicine Minimum 70%


4.  Students who are not successful in English Proficiency Exam Stage II are placed into EPSU010 course at EPS for a minimum of one semester. These students can take the English Proficiency Exam Stage II at the end of this semester with the condition of not failing from attendance.

5.  Since ELT program does not entail ENGL181-182 and ENGL191-192 courses, these courses are not applicable to ELT students. They need to get minimum 60% in order to be exempted from EPS courses. Students who score 50-59% are subject to be interviewed at ELT Department and upon being successful, they are eligible to start their education in their department.

6. For the exemption criteria for graduate programs, please visit the Graduate Education and Research Institute website (https://grad.emu.edu.tr/en/admission/english-language-requirement).


IELTS:International English Language Testing System
TOEFL iBT:Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEFL PBT:Paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEFL CBT:Computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEFL İTEP Academic:International Test of English Proficiency
PTE:Pearson Test of English
ÜDS:Üniversitelerarası Kurul Yabancı Dil Sınavı
YDS:Yabancı Dil Bilgisi Seviye Tespit Sınavı 
KPDS:Kamu Personeli Yabancı Dil Bilgisi Seviye Tespit Sınavı
YÖKDİL:Yükseköğretim Kurumları Yabancı Dil Sınavı
GCE:Cambridge General Certificate of Education
IGCE:Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
UCE:Uganda National Examinations Board Certificate of Education
FCE:Cambridge First Certificate in English
CPE:Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
CAE:Cambridge English: Advanced
City & Guilds:City & Guilds International English Test
LCCI:London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
WAEC:The West African Examinations Council
WASSCE:The West African Senior School Certificate Examination
SSSCE:Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (Ghana)
NECO:National Examination Council (Nigeria)
NABTEB:The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (Nigeria)
ZIMSEC:The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council
NSC:National Senior Certificate (South Africa)
Ieb:Independent Examinations Board (South Africa)
ECZ:Examinations Council of Zambia
HIGCSE:Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (South Africa)
NSSC:Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate
KNEC:Kenya National Examination Council
NEAEA:National Educational Assessment and Examinations Agency (The Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate Examination)
NECTA (CSEE):The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (The Certificate of Secondary Education Examination)
SAT:The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Achievement Test)

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